There are on-going and seasonal/event-driven volunteer opportunities in Newport County.  Our Post and Unit members help conduct BINGO (a favorite form of recreation for the patients/residents), distribute ditty bags, and participate in the annual Christmas Shoppe at the RI Veterans Home in Bristol.  We participate in Flag Education at Melville and Hathaway Elementary Schools.  We donated a flag pole and flags and a monument to Portsmouth High School (PHS) to honor a fallen comrade, and our Unit ensures the site is beautified with flowers.  A scholarship is awarded annually to a PHS senior. 
     Graves are flagged in Portsmouth and Newport for Memorial Day and tattered flags are properly retired.  Members participate in ceremonies for all patriotic holidays.  With the assistance of the Portsmouth Garden Club, we help maintain local military memorials.    

     Cards and gifts are sent regularly to our troops serving overseas.  Participating in Operation Holiday Cheer has been a popular activity for many members and their families. In addition, troops returning from hardship deployments are honored for their sacrifices. Our members regularly make, buy and solicit donations for veterans and their families including Operation Stand Down participants and residents of the Stand Down Homes - a safe haven for veterans at risk of being homeless.

     These are just some of the many ways our members volunteer in the Community, State and Nation!